Brookside Garage is proud to be a member of these Professional Affiliations:
Better Business Bureau
Brookside Garage has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. BBB’s mission is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust. BBB sees trust as a function of two primary factors – integrity and performance. Integrity includes respect, ethics and intent. Performance speaks to a business’s track record of delivering results in accordance with BBB standards and/or addressing customer concerns in a timely, satisfactory manner. BBB Accreditation is an honor – and not every company is eligible. Businesses that meet their high standards are invited to join BBB. Businesses meeting BBB standards are presented to local Boards of Directors (or designees) for review and acceptance as a BBB Accredited Business.
Automotive Service Excellence, ASE
Casey Hess, Owner-Operator is an ASE Certified Master Automotive Technician. Until the early 1970's, consumers had no way to distinguish between incompetent and competent mechanics. In response to this need, the independent, non-profit National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) was established in 1972. ASE's mission is to improve the quality of vehicle repair and service through the testing and certification of repair and service professionals. At present, about 400,000 professionals hold certification. ASE professionals work in every segment of the automotive service industry including: independent garages, car and truck dealerships, fleets, service stations, franchises, and more. Motorists benefit from using a repair shop that employs ASE certified technicians. ASE is a valuable yardstick by which to measure the knowledge and skills of individual technicians as well as the commitment to quality of the repair facility employing ASE-Certified professionals.
TECH-NET Professional is an elite performance network where independent service facility members have a common goal of being world-class automotive service facilities. The TECH-NET professional program provides superior customer service by combining high-quality CARQUEST Auto Parts, skilled automotive technicians and innovative customer marketing programs.
TECH-NET Professional "Code of Ethics"
TECH-NET Professional is committed to serving you, our customer, with professional automotive repair at a reasonable cost with qualified technicians. We use quality CARQUEST Auto Parts, guaranteed coast to coast. We stand on sound business principles and uphold high ethical standards. Our goal is to make your automotive repair experience friendly and successful.

TECH-NET Professional "Mission Statement"

As a TECH-NET Professional Auto Service Member, we agree to:
Recommend corrective and maintenance services and explain to the customer which of these are required now to correct existing problems and which are for preventative maintenance.
Offer customer a price estimate for the work to be performed.
Obtain prior authorization for all work done, in writing or by other means satisfactory to the customer.
Make every effort to keep customers informed about appointments and completion deadlines.
Furnish an itemized invoice for parts and services, priced fairly, which clearly identifies any used or re-manufactured parts. Replaced parts may be inspected upon request.
Furnish or post copies of any warranties covering parts, or services. Use quality Carquest auto parts, guaranteed coast to coast, when available.
Provide and honor Carquest Manufacturer Warranty.
Exercise reasonable care for the customer's property while it is being serviced.
Attempt to fix the customer's vehicle right the "first time".
Maintain a system for fair settlement of customer's complaints.
Cooperate with established consumer complaint mediation activities.
Uphold the high standards of our profession and seek to correct any or all abuses within the automotive industry.
Identifix-Direct Hit
Identifix-Direct Hit is the most comprehensive online vehicle diagnostic and repair resource in existence for Automotive repair shops. It provides professional technicians with experienced-based, quick fixes, and time saving diagnostics as well as real world information that is available to us through Identifix's expert database. It assists us in diagnosing troublesome intermittent vehicle issues and quickly alerts us to manufacturer issued Technical Service Bulletins, and factory issued recalls.